Victor Miti

I'm a self-taught developer coming from a civil engineering background, where I've been for at least 11 years. I've always been fascinated by computer technology, and now I am privileged to be working as a web developer with really smart people at one of the best agencies in the world! I love python -- it's powerful, elegant and super fun to work with! Much of my work revolves around Django and Wagtail, though I also have experience with other python web frameworks such as Flask and FastAPI. Besides python, I also work with Javascript (mostly Vue.js and Express.js). One of these days I'll start learning either rust or go! I'm an avid Linux enthusiast, and I use mostly Fedora as my daily driver.

Accepted Talks:

Deploying your Django project using Dokku

Learning how to use Python to build web applications is often not difficult, and people tend to get up to speed quickly. However, the challenge often comes when one has built their awesome web app and they wanna put it out there for the world to see. I've seen a lot of newcomers struggle with this. Managing servers, dealing with SSH, SSL, etc. can be a complex thing!

Many resources out there often recommend using services like Heroku, which simplify some of these things. The problem -- Heroku can be quite expensive, and the free tier (which, by the way, is beeing scrapped off) has its own limitations. This is where Dokku comes in, it's like having your own mini-Heroku!

In this talk, I demonstrate how incredibly easy it is to deploy your shiny new Django project using Dokku. The goal is to help mostly beginners to get their projects from their laptops and out there for the world to see. Notwithstanding, this will also be useful to seasoned developers who may not have used/heard of Dokku before.

I will talk about deploying Django projects in general, then introduce Dokku -- what it is, its history, strengths, weaknesses, use cases, then take a simple Django project and do a quick demo showcasing server setup, project setup and deployment process.

Note: to get the most out of this talk, it is recommended to have basic knowledge of Django.

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